Junk Drawer Jesus
Discarding Your Spiritual Clutter and Rediscovering the Supremacy of Grace
Each of us is the owner of a seemingly random collection of theologies, doctrines, and superstitions—a junk drawer of religious ideas and influences.
These are the things stuffed in our spiritual junk drawers. And as with that stash of old clothes in the closet or that stew of phone chargers, pens, and half-used batteries sitting in your kitchen drawer, something in us says, “This might be useful.” And so we hold on.
But should we? In Junk Drawer Jesus, the spiritually exhausted are invited to examine our religious clutter and compare it to the person and the promises of Jesus Christ.
We’ll discover what—if anything—of our spiritual collection should be kept. In the process, we rediscover the soul-satisfying simplicity of a God who refuses to fill our lives with junk but instead offers grace upon grace.
Tough Call
A Little Book on Making Big Decisions
Life is full of tough calls and daunting decisions. The question isn’t if you’ll face a big decision in the future, but how you’ll face the tough call that’s guaranteed to come your way.
Think about it. There are wedding proposals to ponder, college applications to submit, career moves to make, homes to sell, and confrontations to consider. And, knowing how poorly things could go, we sometimes find ourselves facing these decisions with a deep fear of future regret.
The pressure is on. Or is it?